Name of Artist: Adaugo Okenwa
name art: Feels
Description of art: This piece was wholly inspired by an encounter where I was chased by and attacked by a dog that seemed wild and my emotions where all over the place. Since the theme of shapes, lines and colours was dominating my art style at said time, I used it to express the way I felt. The dynamic lines here show how I was feeling while I feared I would be bitten while the triangles and quadrilateral shapes depict how I felt after the occurrence. I tried to be calm, but I was still shaky, I wanted to cry but also laughed because the story became funnier as I told it. The fluid amoeba-like shape, at the bottom, is almost a conclusion, tying the whole story together, by showing I had experienced such fluidity of emotions in a very short span of time.
Feels Ref 225
Name of Artist: Adaugo Okenwa
name art: Feels
Description of art: This piece was wholly inspired by an encounter where I was chased by and attacked by a dog that seemed wild and my emotions where all over the place. Since the theme of shapes, lines and colours was dominating my art style at said time, I used it to express the way I felt. The dynamic lines here show how I was feeling while I feared I would be bitten while the triangles and quadrilateral shapes depict how I felt after the occurrence. I tried to be calm, but I was still shaky, I wanted to cry but also laughed because the story became funnier as I told it. The fluid amoeba-like shape, at the bottom, is almost a conclusion, tying the whole story together, by showing I had experienced such fluidity of emotions in a very short span of time.
A lot of thought went into this while I worked, and it is special to me because it is a very raw display but in a controlled piece. Like a storm in a bottle.
size: Size - 42cm x 59cm
price: £250