This is a large this. large piece of artwork. will not fit. on one page. that the Price is the whole of the correction. Not for individual pieces. This is split. in 5 parts
safehouse ref 913 were ok ref 914 go a way ref 915 serial speader ref 916 name / Artist: Paul Docherty
SAFE HOUSE number 1
Art title : THE COVID 19 EXPERIENCE 2020-1
Materials used: South American hardwood, acrylic paints, lacquer, epoxy resin, stains,
string, cotton wool, wire, sand, sponge, cocktail sticks, wax.
Sizes : All pieces are based on a 75mm x 75mm wood section (plus / minus)
: with heights varying from 40mm to 310mm which includes any wirework
sculptures attached. As per the group photograph indicates.
Description: I thought up this sculpture theme whilst I was lock downed for some 2
years in Buenos Aires. The collection depicts my personal view on the
Covid 19 virus 2020-1.
Each piece has its very own take on the situation as a visual explanation
together with an appropriate nameplate attached.
This is a one-off collection of wooden sculptures which took me some 4-5
months of thought and work to complete.
Each piece of wood is scrap from a construction site, no cutting nor
alterations, only cleaning up, sanded, waxed etc. ...
Asking price:
COVID-19 Sculptures. Are sold as one Collection. This price is for all 19 Pieces £1985. We have breakdown to individual items you can see, Of the collection. So, click to buy you buying all 19 Pices.